Death Penalty Defense

3.00 crs.

This course will focus on the foundational law and jurisprudence surrounding the death penalty, as well as the standards of practice of defending individuals who have been sentenced to death. Throughout the course, students will be expected to read and digest jurisprudence governing the death penalty, as well as begin to implement their knowledge as applied to real clients represented by the Capital Defense Center. Students will read and digest case materials, produce work product, and visit clients at Angola. Students will also learn and apply pertinent Louisiana-specific law governing capital cases. At the end of the course, students will be graded on both written work product and oral advocacy on behalf of a client. Students completing the course earn three hours experiential learning credits per semester, one skills credit per semester, and satisfy the Law and Poverty Requirement. This course requires a two-semester (fall/spring) commitment and is only open to students in their final year (3L/4L) only.